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Blast Barricades

Blast Barricades - Durable, robust and cost effective

Durable, robust, safe, light and cost-effective, Unique's long lasting blast barricades have proven their worth in the deep level mining sector of South Africa for more than 20 years. These products have been subjected to vigorous external endurance tests.

Our profiles are unique and specifically design to absorb the maximum impact during blasting.

Virgin material has the valuable added advantage of being non-flammable and non-toxic; therefore it does not emit harmful gasses, which are vital with regard to safety standards within the mining industry. The quality of virgin material is extremely high, in that it endures the harsh underground conditions more than any other barricade on the market.

While the outer profile remains the same, the inner diameter can be extruded to suit customer specification.This feature affects the mass - an important criteria in handling and installation underground.

Pipe lengths can be produced according to needs, but the main types produced for the mining industry are cut to 2.4m and 3m lengths. Gate height is assembled to specification but the general configuration for mining applications is from 4 to 9 pipes. Wall thickness can vary from 9mm upwards.

Superior Virgin High-Density Barricades

Pamodzi Unique’s long lasting blast barricades have proven their worth in the deep level mining arena of South Africa for more than 20 years.

The Superior blast barricades are manufactured from high-density natural virgin white polyethylene (HDPE.) They offer superior quality, longer life and are far safer than reground material.

Extruded pipe is laced together and clamped with steel wire rope to form the barricade gate. This is the most successful, toughest, safe and durable method available on the market.

The material used is of the highest quality available and the barricades are extruded to a specific dimension. Therefore they will endure the arduous underground conditions, far in excess of any other type of product in the industry.

Cost Effective Barricades

Pamodzi Unique’s Cost Effective dark grey barricades are manufactured from recycled material. These barricades are extruded with the same profile as the Superior Virgin barricades and assembled in the identical manner, in order to meet the same underground requirements.

As the material used is of a recycled nature, the product is more competitively priced.

Sweeping Barricade

The lightweight barricade is designed to be user friendly and highly effect for preventing ore/flying rock from contaminating the back areas. The 63mm pipes can be extruded in different lengths and laced together to cover various working area heights or to customer specification

The same pipes can be used to construct a travelling way and ore pass gates. The design offers durability during blasting as the thicker sections face the blast. The thinner sections assist with weight saving during installation which has cost advantages.

Lightweight Ladders

The 63mm pipes can be used to construct rust proof, extremely durable, lightweight ladders that are ideal for underground conditions.


Pamodzi Unique Engineering has successfully supplied the mining industry for more than 15 years with product that has been approved to their quality and safety standards. The product has been put through vigorous external endurance testing and is proven to be nonflammable and non-toxic. The company has a well structured quality management system, compliant with ISO 9001 : 2015, and accredited since 1992.

Critical Design Profiles

Profiles are unique and specifically designed to absorb the maximum impact during blasting. While the outer profile remains the same, the inner diameter can be extruded to suit customer specification. This feature alters the mass, thus plays a large role in handling and installation underground.

Products Available

Pipe lengths can be produced according to customer requirement however, the main types extruded for the mining industry are cut to 2,4m and 3m lengths.

Gate height can also be assembled according to customer requirement however, the general configuration for the mining industry is from 4 to 9 pipes. Wall thickness can vary from 9mm upwards.

Pamodzi Unique Engineering has the design expertise, flexibility and manufacturing capacity to deliver seamless engineering solutions well suited for an array of industrial, mining and agricultural applications.